カテゴリー 新製品速報

Cabasseから The Pearl Pelegrina: A Flagship(Network speaker series) A Quad-Coaxial Loudspeaker 登場!!

海外ニュース速報 [World] 新製品速報

The Pearl Pelegrina
A Flagship(Network speaker series)
25,000 euros per pair

・A Quad-Coaxial Loudspeaker
・70th anniversary


TADから新スピーカー Evolution Two 登場!!

国内ニュース速報 [Japan] 新製品速報

TAD-E2-WN 税込 814,000 円

1) ありのままの音を鮮やかに再現する 2.5cmベリリウム振動板トゥイーター

※1 HSDOM:Harmonized Synthetic Diaphragm Optimum Method

2) 力強い低域とスムーズな指向特性を実現する新開発15.5cmウーファー

※2 MACC:Multi-layered Aramid Composite Cone

3) 音像定位と音場表現を両立するネットワークフィルター

4) 自然で豊かな低域を再生する「Bi-Directional ADP※3システム」

※3 ADP:Aero Dynamic Port

5) 揺るぎない設置が可能な10mm厚鋼板プレート

6) 不要共振を低減する「SILENT※4エンクロージャー」

※4 SILENT:Structurally Inert Laminated Enclosure Technology

7) 落ち着いた中にも華やかさを演出する木目柄サテン調塗装仕上げ

型式 2.5way 位相反転式 フロア型
スピーカー構成 ウーファー 15.5 cm コーン型×2
トゥイーター 2.5 cm ドーム型
再生周波数帯域 30 Hz ~ 60 kHz
クロスオーバー周波数 90 Hz、2.8 kHz
出力音圧レベル 87 dB (2.83 V・1 m)
最大入力 150 W
定格インピーダンス 6 Ω (最小インピーダンス 4.5 Ω)
ユニット極性 低域 (+)、高域 (+)
外形寸法 (W×H×D) 320 mm × 1,085 mm × 405 mm (スパイク未装着)
質量 32 kg
付属品 ショートケーブル ×2 、滑り止めパッド × 4 、コーン型スパイク×3、
スパイク受け×3、転倒防止スパイク ×2、ウーファーグリル ×2

LUMIN製品の価格を改定へ 2021年10月1日より

国内ニュース速報 [Japan]



旧 S 2,200,000 B 2,420,000円
新 S 2,420,000 B 2,662,000円

旧 S 423,500 B 465,300円
新 S 467,500 B 511,500円

旧 S 308,000 B 338,800円
新 S 338,800 B 372,900円

スイスのSPブランド PIEGA製品価格改定へ 11月1日より

国内ニュース速報 [Japan]



AIR TIGHT 10月1日より製品価格の改定を実施へ

国内ニュース速報 [Japan]

AIR TIGHT 10月1日より製品価格の改定を実施へ

THORENS から TD1500 Turntable ・ TP150 Tonearm 登場か!?

海外ニュース速報 [World] 新製品速報

THORENS から 何らかの新製品登場予定!!
Something new is coming

TD1500 Turntable
TP150 Tonearm

ELACから Uni-Fi Reference シリーズ登場!!

海外ニュース速報 [World] 新製品速報

Dan D’Agostinoから新Progressionシリーズ Progression M550 Mono Amplifier S350 Stereo Amplifier 登場!!

海外ニュース速報 [World] 新製品速報

Dan D’Agostino Master Audio Systems Introduces Second Generation Progression Amplifiers

  • Improved sound, higher power, and greater thermal efficiency highlight the new models –

Dan D’Agostino Master Audio Systems today announced the second generation of Progression Series Amplifiers. First shipped in 2016, the new Progression models take advantage of technology advancements and circuit concepts utilized in the flagship Relentless Mono Amplifier.
There is no mistaking the D’Agostino family styling of the new Progression M550 Mono Amplifier and the Progression S350 Stereo Amplifier. Immediately grabbing one’s attention is the new heat sink design. Drawn directly from the Relentless Mono Amplifier, this highly efficient elliptical form dramatically improves the cooling ability of the design and assures that the Progression Amplifiers run safely and reliably even when delivering its full rated power. Sporting the flair of the original Progression Series, the new Progression M550 Mono Amplifier features upgrades to the input stage, output stage, and heat sink design. The greater cooling ability of the heat sink structure permits greater output power. The Progression M550 Mono Amplifier delivers 550 watts into 8 ohms, doubling to 1,100 watts into 4 ohms and doubling again to 2,200 watts into 2 ohms. Similarly, the Progression S350 Stereo Amplifier outputs 350 watts per channel into 8 Ohms and then doubles to 700 and 1,400 into 4 and 2 Ohms, respectively. Both amplifiers employ 48 output transistors powered by a nearly 2,000 VA power supply transformer and 100,000 microfarads of power supply storage capacitance.

A new power device provides the foundation for an upgraded output stage. This new transistor, first used in the Relentless Mono Amplifier, extends high frequency response, increases power handling by a factor of four and features tighter tolerance gain matching between complementary NPN/PNP pairs. A wider safe operating area and superior gain linearity provides greater thermal stability throughout the amplifiers’ power delivery. Coupling the new output device to the high efficiency heat sink design affords an increase in operating bias. The higher bias specification has increased the Class A operating range of the amplifiers to 70 watts for the Progression M550 and 45 watts for the Progression S350. The result is improved instrument timbre and tonal reproduction for a great percentage of listening.

“I am thrilled with the outcome of the new Progression M550 and S350 Amplifiers. Our senior engineer, Burhan Coskun, led this development and he exceeded the sonic and power performance enhancements I specified.” Said Dan D’Agostino, Co-Founder and Chief Engineer.

The Progression M550 and S350 include major revisions to the input topology. The new Progression amplifier’s distortion, signal/noise ratio, channel separation, and bandwidth measurements have all improved. New transistors handle six times the power of the previous components and a new DC coupling circuity has improved low frequency performance and extended the bandwidth of the amplifiers. Coupling this advanced front end to the enhanced output stage has improved the dynamic impact, detail retrieval, and spatial integrity of the amplifier’s playback.

Maintained from the original amplifier is the Super Rail topology. Simple in description but complex in execution, the Super Rail, counterintuitively, uses additional higher voltage power supplies in the input stage as compared to the main output stage. This higher voltage front end provides exceptional headroom for the output circuitry. Nearly ideal output stage operation results.

The iconic look of the D’Agostino power meters, inspired by the elegant faces of classic Swiss watches, continues with the Progression series. The Progression amplifiers include a 180-degree needle swing meter design driven by a high-speed ballistic circuit that enhances the meter’s responsiveness. The longer swing allows the needle to cover the amplifier’s entire output range.

The Progression amplifiers are available immediately and are available in silver, black, or custom painted finishes. The Progression M550 Mono Amplifier is $44,950/pr and the Progression S350 Stereo Amplifier is $25,950.

Andrea Pivetta OiO liquid Amplifier ついに実物が登場!!

海外ニュース速報 [World]

Andrea Pivetta
OiO liquid Amplifier


海外ニュース速報 [World] 新製品速報


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