McIntosh から MC451 Dual Mono Amplifier 登場!!
MC451 Dual Mono Amplifier
14,000 USD
MC901同様、真空管とソリッドステートアンプを組み合わせたMcIntosh Hybrid Drive™テクノロジーを搭載
Key Features:
300W Solid State Amplifier
Output Autoformer with 2, 4, & 8 ohm Taps
Power Guard and Sentry Monitor
Solid-state input doubles as the mono input when using the internal crossover
Separate inputs for the Vacuum Tube and Solid-state amplifiers are provided for using an external crossover
150W Vacuum Tube Amplifier
Unity Coupled Circuit Output Transformer with 2, 4, 8Ω Taps
Power Guard SGS and Sentry Monitor
Direct Input for Using an External Crossover
Illuminated Driver Tubes
1 Knob for Solid State / Tube Balance
1 Knob for Crossover Frequency