dCSから、「 Rossini 2.0 」登場!!ファームウェアアップデートで対応。
dCS is pleased to announce that we have applied the technology developed for Vivaldi 2.0 to our Rossini platform and, like Vivaldi, this performance upgrade is available through a simple firmware update. As with Vivaldi 2.0 this update to Rossini brings significant gains in terms of sonic and measured performance.
Rossini 2.0 includes the following:
•Updated RingDAC mapping algorithm based on the Vivaldi 2.0. This includes user-selectable mapping optimizations to allow for further tailoring of the sonic character of the DAC.
•Addition of a DSDx2 upsampling option adapted from Vivaldi 2.0 and Vivaldi One.
•Addition of DSD Filter 5 from Vivaldi 2.0
•Improved handling of MQA transitions to eliminate dropouts
•New time display modes for Rossini Player
•Support for app control of a connected Rossini Transport (requires update to the dCS Rossini app via the App Store)
We are very pleased with the performance increase that this update has brought to the Rossini platform and are excited to share these gains with all of our customers who have invested in Rossini.
Rossini 2.0 is available now. There is an associated update to the dCS Rossini app available through the App Store.